Whoopie 2.2 pounds since yesterday.
I just had to get on and tell that. I am going to go and take measurements. I took them before I started round 2 so Im curious if I lost any inches. I will add those as soon as I know. I have officially lost 1/3 of my weight I need to. My outlook is up. I feel as if I can really do this.
I have taken ugly pictures of my before but I am not going to post them until I have reached my goal. One they are too depressing for me. But when I do lose the weight I will post them for other woman who are at my weight to give some encouragement that it is not an impossible feat.
To think that last year at this time I went into a consultation for lap band surgery. I am so glad I didnt. For one that is saving me 17,000 dollars. I was willing to pay it to lose weight. But I am thankful I found out about this weight loss. It is re-teaching me the proper way to think about food and how to relate to it. On top of all that the benefits of breaking my addiction to bad carbs. And the best part of all the benefit of reviving my metabolism. I think with the yo yo dieting I killed it
Im off to get some paperwork done and to measure.