Saturday, June 11, 2011

One Month Lap Banded

Today marks one month since being banded. I did the math because I spent almost 18,000 on WLS every pound lost equals $155.00 dollars. To me that is money well spent. Highlights this week is a three pound loss (465 dollars lol) My lumps and bumps are smoothing out. You know what I mean cottage cheese lumps on legs. I think about how I want my sexy legs back. I have awesome calves very muscular and sexy but the thighs yuk! Now they are just smoothing out. No lumps.

I have a mini skirt waiting for me :P

First day in over a week I went over my calorie limit. Not bad. I average 700 calories a day and today was 1053


Becky said...

Wow, what a great month! Congrats on being one month in! And way to ask for accountability. :)

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful! I am 2 weeks out and started back on soft foods. Can I ask you, when did you start back eating and what the heck are you eating? I'm having a hard time with what to eat and how much? Thanks! www.hopefulbandster.blogspot.com

Miss Mary said...

Amanda I started eating soft foods at three weeks. I fought that if i chewed most things enough they will turn liquid y. EVen almonds.I couldnt stand one more cup of pudding or jello. So I went to cream soup, mashed potatoes was a staple for one week. Im one month out and started to eat real food.