Tuesday, November 3, 2009

23 Pounds Lost 7 to Go

Well I officially lost 23 pounds as of this morning. Yeah. Its nice to see a new number emerge every morning. I too have become a scale junkie. I told my girlfriend that if I was still on a stall this morning after apple day I was going to cut my inections off and begin p3. But because I lost more than a half a pound I will stay on as long as Im seeing a loss. Though I cant wait to start on p3 and eat a variety of veggies and meat. I am deffiantely more appreciate of food. Amazing the things we take for granted and not even be aware of it. Water tastes like butt. My daughter says the other word when stuff tastes nasty lol. I dont know why but ever since apple day I cant stomach the water again. Its beautiful and Im going to go for a walk. Then eat my lunch.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the 23 lb you've lost! You can lose those last pesky 7 lbs! AR

helderheid said...

Great loss! Love that last cartoon!!

indigosfir3 said...

Water tastes like butt...too funny! You keep on doin yo thang!
Great losin'!